
5月半ば~! / Already mid May!

It's already middle of May, and we are getting busy with the preparation for "Lily Fair June".
We feel that season is changing slowly compared to usual years, but trees and plants we see are getting more and more vivid and active day by day.

It applies to the weeds which we had removed in the parking place for the event last month as well.  Probably we need to clean it up again soon.

We are so glad to have many people from all over Japan at our event every year.  We will welcome you with lilies in bloom of the biggest number in varieties ever.
Some people should visit Kochi for the first time, so we hope that they will enjoy beautiful nature of Kochi as well.

A sightseeing spot of Kochi which is getting popular recently is Niyodo River.  It's famous for its beautiful water color called "Niyodo Blue", and you can enjoy various activities at anywhere along the river.
The photo below is from the downstream area.

 そして楽しみながら植物に出会うことができる、牧野植物園! 植物園は高知市五台山にあり、高知県出身の植物学者・牧野富太郎博士の業績や土佐の植物生態なども観ることができる植物好きな方には絶好のスポットです。今年3月にオープンした展望台からは四国山地の眺望も楽しめます。
Another popular spot is "Makino Botanical Garden" where you can have a good time seeing various plants, trees, and flowers.
It locates on Godaisan Mountain in Kochi City.  You can learn the works of Dr. Tomitaro Makino, who is a famous botanist born in Kochi, and the ecology of Kochi's plants.  It's a perfect place for people who are interested in those things.
A new observation spot was opened in March, and you can see the mountain range of Shikoku Island there.


 We get impressed and healed by beautiful things around us any time.  We hope that lilies will be one of the beautiful things familiar for people from now on too.
Please feel it at our "Lily Fair June" next month!

by Kondo

6月開催!「6月のゆりの展示会」- LILY FAIR JUNE
ゆり球根・輸入・生産・卸 株式会社中村農園(高知市)
ホームページ www.nfb.co.jp
お問い合わせは info@nfb.co.jp  でお受けしております。
ユリ品種データベース 試験栽培データ 花の写真 多数