We are now doing 2015NL late forcing and 2016SH early forcing trials at our test green house.
For 2015NL trial, you can check various stages from the first buds to just before cutting.
Some varieties have already bloomed.
2016SH is in the first stage of sprouting. Some varieties are still to be planted.
Mr. Iida who is in charge of test green house packing Kochi-grown bulbs, while he is busy shipping the flowers, maintenance of the facilities, and daily work of trials.
ゆり球根・輸入・生産・卸 株式会社中村農園(高知市)
ホームページ www.nfb.co.jp
お問い合わせは info@nfb.co.jp
★ユリ品種データベース 試験栽培データ 花の写真 多数★