
やさい・くだもの・花フェスタ / Vegetable + Fruit + Flower Festival

How are you doing in these cold days?
We have very cold days that car windows freeze some times even in Kochi.
Please take care of yourselves. 


Today I'd like to introduce an event.
"Vegetable + Fruit + Flower Festival" will be held by Kochi Horticulture Association on January 27th and 28th at Kochi Jibasan Center.

There will be the competitive exhibition which some of our customers will also take part in, some shops and workshops, and other entertainments to promote Kochi's local agricultural products. 

今回、特に注目しております企画は、「6月のゆりの展示会」でもフラワーデザイナーとして参加してくれたtomoni  flower 橋田さんも参戦する「花いけバトル」です。
The one which I pay attention the most is "Hanaike Battle".  This is a competition of flower arrangement, and Mr. Hashida from "tomoni flower" who did the total design of our "Lily Fair June 2017" will join as a player.
I'd like you to visit to see the "battle" which has a different atmosphere from normal flower arrangement shows.

ゆり球根・輸入・生産・卸 株式会社中村農園(高知市)
ホームページ www.nfb.co.jp
お問い合わせは info@nfb.co.jp  でお受けしております。
ユリ品種データベース 試験栽培データ 花の写真 多数