
6月のゆりの展示会 あとがき その4 / Looking back Lily Fair June PART4 and Report of Trip to Holland

It's getting hotter and hotter after typhoon left in Kochi.
I don't know if it's related to the heat, recently we often see small crabs in our area.  I’m jealous of their ability to live both on the land and in the water.
Do you know how gill-breathing crabs survive out of water for a long time?  They have water inside of the shells.  When they breath, they send the water to their gills which are near the legs.  The bubbles they foam is the water for breathing.

The program about Lily Fair June was on TV on July 9th.  It's a big thing for us even though it was a local TV show.
Did you watch it?
I, Okamoto, appeared more than I thought because I joined the flower arrangement show.


You can also watch it on the web site (KUTV).  Please try it from this address.

Our test greenhouse which were in full bloom one month ago, is now on the preparation for the heat-resistance trial.

手前 飯田(ゲーム好き) 奥 山下(映画好き)
The man in the front is Mr. Iida (game freak), and the back is Ms. Yamashita (movie freak).
The two both of few words are making holes for planting.

 And the planting has been done afterwards.

今月もスマイル通信、品種当てクイズにご参加いただきありがとうございました。 今月は、初参加の方も多く、展示会でお声がけさせていただいた甲斐があったと思っております。
We appreciate our customers who sent us the answers of Smile News' quiz.  We are so happy that there are some new challengers this time.  

ちょっとうれしい賞品も、まだまだ当たりやすくなっております。 ひきつづき、来月号からも応募いただけますよう、ヨロシクお願いします。
The winning rate of the present is still high.  Please check and try it next month!

- - - - - - - Please check here!! - - - - - - - -  
We released the report of trip to Holland (by Teru Nakamura) on our website the other day.
Please check the English version from here;

ゆり球根・輸入・生産・卸 株式会社中村農園(高知市)
ホームページ www.nfb.co.jp
お問い合わせは info@nfb.co.jp  でお受けしております。
ユリ品種データベース 試験栽培データ 花の写真 多数