
中村農園 試験ハウスなう / Today's Nakamura test greenhouse

In our town of Kochi City, the lowest temperature in morning has been lower than 10 degrees Celsius, while the highest in daytime is 23 degrees C.  We have started to use the heating in our test greenhouse.

In our test greenhouse, Oriental and OT varieties which were planted on September 10th have started to bloom.  
Most of the LA and Asiatics which were planted on October 3rd are showing the buds clearly.

The temperature in Kochi between September and the mid October was high in day and night, and Japan's Meteorological Agency announced that the average temperature was higher than that of the same time in last year by 2 degrees C.
The lilies have received the influences of the severe heat.  For example, we see more leaf burning and too much up-facing flowers compared to usual years. 
We also hear from the neighbor lily growers that the growing is 1 or 2 weeks faster than usual.

OT varieties' good performance catches our eyes in this severe environmental condition.

I chose some varieties which look interesting from the trial.

エンプレス オリエンタル八重 白
"Empress"  Double Oriental   White

RLサマンサ オリエンタル八重 ピンク
"RL Samantha"  Double Oriental   White 

ペタカス OT 白
"Petacas"  OT   White

ヘルヨン オリエンタル ピンク
"Helyonne"  Oriental   Pink

サレンダー オリエンタル ピンク
"Surrender"  Oriental    Pink

タンパ LA 黄
"Tampa"  LA   Yellow

アミーガ LA オレンジ
"Amiga"  LA   Orange

Please visit our greenhouse and check the growth.

by Yamamoto

ゆり球根・輸入・生産・卸 株式会社中村農園(高知市)
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お問い合わせは info@nfb.co.jp  でお受けしております。
ユリ品種データベース 試験栽培データ 花の写真 多数
 6月開催!「6月のゆりの展示会」- LILY FAIR JUNE