22日は”花いけバトル”が開催されるということだったので、22日の方に行っておりました。I went to "Vegetable, Fruit and Flower Festival" which was held by Kochi Prefecture in this weekend. I went there on the 22nd because there was a "Hanaike-Battle" (Flower arrangement competition) on that day.
At the entrance, there was a board decorated with lilies, gloriosas, and Blue Star (a kind of oxtpetalum) which are all Kochi's famous flowers.
There was also a display of competitive exhibition of lilies at the event.
Congratulations to all the winners. I'd like to say it directly when we go delivering to them.
The stage of "Hanaike-Battle" was surrounded by a lot of people and could even hardly move there. The parking area was full at the time.
It was so difficult to go closer to the stage that I couldn't take photos of it.
The battle was very exciting, and all the players did fantastic performance.
I was so impressed to see them arranging flowers using many things such as many kinds of vases, flowers, leaves, branches and so on even though they had only 5 minutes for each performance.
I hope I can make good ideas for our next festival in June with the inspiration from this event.
ゆり球根・輸入・生産・卸 株式会社中村農園(高知市)
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★ユリ品種データベース 試験栽培データ 花の写真 多数★