
11/19 お客様ご来場









写真左① 満開のLA
Photo(Left) Full-blown LA

写真左② OT品種の開花状況
Photo(Left) Bloom Condition of OT

Today, Mr.Ninomiya from the Agricultural Technical Center and a student from Argentina who visited us for the second time visited us for checking about late forcing in our test green house.

In Argentine, he grows Alstroemeria and Rose. He is studying about growing lilies at the Agricultural Technical Center. So, he was eager to check Litouwen(LA/White), Yelloween and variety of strong red color(LA/OT).

Now, all of LA is blooming at our test green house. Almost 30 percent OT and early-ripening OR are blooming as well. Anytime until the end of the year, these flowers are the best time to see.

Please don’t hesitate to come to see them. We look forward to see you here.